PFC Coaching

Are you curious about BEing coaching?

Coaching is distinct from consulting, teaching, therapy, counseling, guiding, mentoring, advising, or any relationship that creates one participant as an expert responsible for imparting their wisdom to the other.

Extraordinary Coaches start with the premise that every problem and opportunity is a product of how we perceive ourselves and the world. 

We also know our clients must look for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems inside themselves.

Rather than projecting knowledge or wisdom onto their clients, extraordinary coaches serve as the screen onto which clients project their thoughts, emotions, opinions, experiences, fears, hopes, and dreams.

Coaching, then, represents a relationship where one participant helps the other see themselves and their world as they see it now so they can begin to see it differently.

Because when we see ourselves and our world differently, old problems dissolve, and new opportunities emerge rapidly and seemingly without effort or struggle.

What is BEing Coaching?

Coaching takes many forms, and many hold themselves out as coaches. The vast majority of coaches work at the level of “DOing” or “Mindset.”

DOing coaching is primarily concerned with action. DOing coaches focus on what their clients should and shouldn’t “do.” They focus on what actions clients should “do” more and what they should “do” less.

MINDSET coaching is primarily concerned with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that produce action. Mindset coaches often focus on helping clients shift from negative to positive thinking. Mindset coaching is powerful because it works from the cause rather than the effect. 

Unfortunately, Mindset coaching can move slowly. It can also create resistance as much of our negative thinking produces powerful results in our life even as it creates problems. Many successful individuals are successful because of the fear and doubt that power their lives.

Coaching at the level of BEing is different because it asks a powerful question: Who am I to think the thoughts I do? Working at the level of BEing reveals the BEing that creates our thinking and, thus, our lives.

Coaching that shifts our BEing produces powerful, rapid, and lasting transformations across every area of life.

What is the PFC Curriculum?

PFC stands for Peace, Freedom, and Connection.

These are the values and the experience of life we all seek.

Most struggle and strive for most of their lives and chase money, power, relationships, and material possessions to experience PFC someday.

Traditional training courses, workshops, and seminars focus on the outside world and what we need to “DO,” leaving participants disappointed and wondering why change doesn’t last.

We know all DOing comes from who we are BEing. We also know that accessing P.F.C. and producing lasting change must work from the inside out.

The PFC Curriculum is the most powerful framework for personal growth and development.

It works at the level of BEing to produce rapid and lasting transformations across every area of life.

PFC Curriculum participants are part of a 14-week small group experience that meets for two hours every two weeks. Additionally, participants are responsible for 30-minutes of daily practice.

Most people chase money, status, power, and material possessions as a means to what they truly desire: Peace, Freedom, and Connection. PFC is about creating life intentionally and beginning with the end in mind.